A little black boy sits alone on a dirt road in Mississippi.

He's minding his own business, reading a Japanese manga called “One Punch Man”.

An old pick up truck pulls up in front of him.

There is a family of rednecks in the pickup truck. Although they look unassuming, they are...in fact...Ku Klux Klan members.

There is a tarp in the back bed of the pickup. It covers a large wooden cross.

"Son," says the dad who is behind the wheel. "Do you know where the Pickett family farm is?”

"Yes, sir," says the boy, "You go up that hill, then make a right. When you get to the church, make a left. Go 2 miles, then turn left again at the first mail box you see. Once you cross the bridge over a pond, make a right. You should see the Pickett farm from there.”

"Okay," says the dad. "Once I go down that hill, make a left. When I get to the Wal-Mart, make a right. Go 7 miles, then turn right again at the Post Office. Once I go into the tunnel, I make a left. That's where the Pickett farm is.”

"No, sir." says the boy. "I'll tell you again. You go up that hill, then make a right. When you get to the church, make a left. Go 2 miles, then turn left again at the first mail box you see. Once you cross the bridge over a pond, make a right. You should see the Pickett farm from there.”

The dad exchanges a peculiar glance with his family (a wife and two sons who, if tested, would fall on the “spectrum”).

The black boy realizes his directions are beyond their depths.

"Tell you what," says the boy. “I'll hop on to the back of your truck and I'll show you as we go along."

"Thank you, son" says the dad.

The boy jumps on to the back bed and sits on the tarp covering the wooden cross.

The pick up ascends to the crest of the hill.

"Now, make a left," the boy says.

The dad makes a right.

The black boy looks around, confused. His gaze then falls upon the tarp which folds back from the wind.

He sees the wooden cross.

A thought crosses his mind.

"Yo," the boy says to the dad. "Are you dyslexic?"

"I don’t know what that means," the dad says.

"You must confuse us for liberals," the mom says. "We don't know any English language words with 'x' in it."

"Yes we do," the one son says.

"What word is that?" asks the black boy.

A hush falls upon the family...for there are two x’s in Ku Klux Klan.

"Xenophobia", says the son finally.

"What does it mean?" asks the dad.

"It's an irrational and persistent fear of them aliens in that movie. The Xenomorphs."


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